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Showing 901-950 of 974 items.

Robert Elliott – Mathematics of Financial Markets

This book presents the mathematics that underpins pricing models for derivative securities in modern financial markets, such as options, futures and swaps. This new edition adds substantial material from current areas of active research, such as...

Ken Calhoun – The Forex On Fire System

Getting Started With Forex On Fire™ Is Easy: Just 3 Simple Steps and You’re On Your Way!You’ll want to get started immediately. We’ve put together a quick and easy process to help you get the most from your 3-DVD trading system,...

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading 64 Videos + 1 PDF Manual Reach a new level in your trading through Sure Thing Commodity Trading. Larry has always been an innovator in the markets, and once...

Howard B. Bandy – Quantitative Trading Systems

Howard B. Bandy – Quantitative Trading Systems Too often, trading systems that looked good last year, in an advertisement, or during computer back-testing, lose money as soon as you start trading them. This book explains why...

Martin Pring – Momentum Explained (Principles & Indicators)

Martin Pring – Momentum Explained (Principles & Indicators) The Definitive Guide to Momentum Indicators (This is a combination of both Momentum Explained courses with CDs) The Definitive Guide to Momentum Indicators is 11-hour CD tutorial on...

R. J. Shook – The Winners Circle. Wallstreets Best Mutual Fund Managers

Uncover and invest in the best funds for today and tomorrow The number of mutual funds investors must choose from is now greater than the number of stocks listed on the NYSE. Selecting the right fund–and,...

Mike Buchanan – Profitable Buying Strategies

Improving your organization’s profitability can only be achieved in three ways: increase prices, increase sales volumes or reduce costs. Competitive pressures are making the first two options increasingly difficult, which leaves cost reduction as the key...

Marion D. March & Joan McEvers – The Only Way To Learn Astrology (Volume I, II & III)

Marion D. March & Joan McEvers – The Only Way To Learn Astrology (Volume I, II & III) Volume 1: Basic Principles There are many introductory astrology books on the market, but only this one follows...

FXPipCapital – Training Package

What We DoAt FX Pip Capital, forex traders are given an opportunity to learn from professional traders with 20+ years experience. Our traders have worked from the ground floor up in our respective fields starting out...

Gary Gray – Streetsmart. Guide to Valuing a Stock the Savvy Investor’s Key to Beating the Market

Gary Gray – Streetsmart. Guide to Valuing a Stock the Savvy Investor’s Key to Beating the Market Traders and investors spend fortunes in time and money trying to gauge the real value of individual stocks. The Streetsmart...

David Novac – Building Wealth In Stock Market

Studying ‘Building Wealth in the Stock Market’, is equivalent to spending a whole day with David Novac.In the double DVD program, David takes you step-by-step through his stock investing and trading strategies and rules, including:how to...

Michael C. Thomsett – Getting Started in Options (6th Ed.)

Michael C. Thomsett – Getting Started in Options (6th Ed.) In easy-to-follow terms, Getting Started in Options, Sixth Edition thoroughly demystifies the options markets, distinguishes the imagined risks from the real ones, and arms readers with the facts...

Leslie Masonson – All About Market Timing (The Easy Way to Get Started)

Leslie Masonson – All About Market Timing (The Easy Way to Get Started) Shell-shocked investors have lost patience with the traditional buy-and-hold approach to investing. All About Market Timing arms investors with simple, easy-to-use timing techniques that they...

Chris Brooks – Introductory Econometrics for Finance (2nd Ed.)

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (22 May 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 052169468X ISBN-13:978-0521694681This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. Key features:• Thoroughly revised and updated, including...

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis for Short-Term Traders

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis for Short-Term Traders Martin Pring, an internationally acclaimed technical analyst, shows today’s trader how using technical analysis and charting techniques can make short term trading accurate-and profitable. In this information-packed video,...

Jean Pierre Florens – Econometric Modeling & Inference

Presents the main statistical tools of econometric, focusing specifically on modern econometric methodology. The authors unify the approach by using a small number of estimation techniques, mainly generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation and kernel smoothing....

BarAnalyzer – Bar Analyzer

The BAR ANALYZER trading indicator makes it possible to visualize the forces inside a price bar using volume profile, market depth, support & resistance, and historical price analysis. With its easy-to-use and customizable interface, you can quickly and...

John J. Murphy – Technical Analysis of Financial Markets

Product detailsHardcover: 576 pagesPublisher: NYIF; 2nd Revised edition edition (Dec. 1998)Language: EnglishSynopsisFor both beginners and experienced traders, this work describes the concepts of technical analysis and their applications. Murphy interprets the role of the technical forecasters...

Markus Bouziane – Pricing Interest-Rate Derivatives

The author derives an efficient and accurate pricing tool for interest-rate derivatives within a Fourier-transform based pricing approach, which is generally applicable to exponential-affine jump-diffusion models.ReviewFrom the reviews:“The book is based on author’s Ph.D. Thesis entitled...

Noel Amenc – Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis

For many years asset management was considered to be a marginal activity, but today, it is central to the development of financial industry throughout the world. Asset management’s transition from an “art and craft” to an...

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis Explained (3rd Ed.)

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis Explained (3rd Ed.) This guide aims to provide technical analysis skills for identifying and interpreting market cycles and selecting the best-performing investments. The book examines market swings and analyzes the financial...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Clive Lambert – Candlestick Charts

“Clive Lambert is one of the UK’s leading experts in the use and application of Japanese candlestick chart analysis. I have known him for many years and have learnt to greatly respect his depth of knowledge...

CFA Institute – Blending Quantitative & Traditional Equity Analysis

CFA Institute – Blending Quantitative & Traditional Equity Analysis The full range of profitable investment opportunities is clear only to those who understand the impact of nonlinear dynamic processes. This proceedings provides examples of the opportunities–and...

Alexander Elder – Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room (A Complete Guide to Trading)

Alexander Elder – Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room (A Complete Guide to Trading) You can read Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading in a few days, but you cannot expect to...

Richard Ferri – Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad

Richard Ferri – Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad This title offers techniques for individual investors to safeguard their money, even when markets fall back. When attempting to “time” their way around market downturns,...

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian)

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian) Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict...

Robert Koppel & Howard Abell – The Outer Game of Trading

Robert Koppel & Howard Abell – The Outer Game of Trading As the authors describe, a winning system is far more than charts and technical indicators. It must give you specific entry and exit points, as...

Steve Nison – Japanese Candle Charting

Steve Nison – Japanese Candle Charting A form of technical analysis, Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool, and will help improve any technician’s market analysis. They...

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets The latest developments in chaos theory – from an industry expert Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets was the first book to introduce and...

Mark Cook – Staying Alive in the Markets

Mark Cook – Staying Alive in the Markets Staying Alive in the Markets with Mark D. Cook Winner of the US Investing Championship for two consecutive years (with 563% and 322% returns), Mark is a Trading...

P. K. Hari – Excel for the CEO

Presenting innovative Microsoft Excel techniques for top management professionals, this reference for company leaders who do not have the time to attend courses or read bulky books on the program provides basics, special shortcuts, and tips...

Ken Wolff – Trading on Momentum

Trading on Momentum Advanced Techniques for High-Percentage Day Trading The NASDAQ has reached a record 60 new highs in 1999, closing above the 4000 milestone. This record was the icing on the cake to a year...

Alex Buzby – Magical Forex Trading System

Alex Buzby – Magical Forex Trading System Magical Forex Trading System by Alex Buzby features a practical trading system that will help you earn tremendous profits through forex trading in just a few hours. Magical Forex Trading...

Larry McMillan – Option Trading Indicators and Patterns for Increasing Profits

Larry McMillan – Option Trading Indicators and Patterns for Increasing Profits Keeping an eye on key indicators and monitoring price patterns that trigger predictable market moves can lead to sustained trading success – whether you’re an...

Bill Williams – New Trading Dimensions (Russian)

A powerful new way to navigate today’s unprecedented market conditions“Bill Williams’ pioneering application of chaos theory to the financial markets is leading technical analysis into the twenty-first century and beyond. New Trading Dimensions presents a complete,...

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...

Bruce Gilmore – Trading to Win Course. One Day at Time (2004 Ed.)

Bruce Gilmore – Trading to Win Course. One Day at Time (2004 Ed.) Since its publication in 2004, this book has become acclaimed for its approach to trading the S&P 500 futures intraday. The book is...

John Markman – Swing Trading Essentials

Master the latest techniques and newest methods for reaping even bigger profits by Swing Trading, direct from the bestselling author of "Swing Trading and CNBC/MSN Money columnist. Swing Trading - or buying stocks for holding periods...

David Floyd – How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks

David Floyd – How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks Let David Floyd Show How In His New Training Module: “How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks” Dear Fellow Trader, My name is David Floyd. Since 1994,...

Marion A.Brach – Real Options in Practice

Real options are quickly becoming the valuation and decision-making method of choice for many companies, including oil and gas companies, utilities and natural resource companies, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Internet companies, and many others.Real Options in...

Dave Landry – Trading Dave Landry’s Ultimate Bow Ties Strategy

Dave Landry published his bookDave Landry on Swing Tradingin 2000, Dave Landry made public and began teaching one of his best strategies–the Bow Ties Strategy.Among other things, Dave Landry will teach you his best approach for...

Lawrence Cavanaugh – Options Screening - Finding Profitable Trades

Lawrence Cavanaugh – Options Screening - Finding Profitable Trades Hedge your risk and reap healthy returns with option spreads, no matter how the market performs! Drawing on his years of experience as a well-known options expert,...

Paul Taglia – How I Trade Runaway Gaps To Capture Explosive Intraday Moves

Paul Taglia – How I Trade Runaway Gaps To Capture Explosive Intraday Moves Would You Like To Learn One Of The Most Powerful Strategies For Trading Opening Gaps? Let Paul Taglia Teach You His Strategy For...

Sepharial – The Law of Values

Sepharial – The Law of Values Sepharial (1864-1929) had a life-long dislike of luck. He challenged himself to find what he called scientific rules that would eliminate chance. And, according to his own accounts, he succeeds....

Toni Turner – A Beginner’s Guide to Short Selling

The national bestseller―updated for the new stock market! “Read the book if you want to know how the market works and how to make it work for you.” ―Greg Capra, president of, coauthor of Tools and...

Neal T.Weintraub – Trading Chicago Style

Following on from his “Tricks of the Floor Trader”, Neal Weintraub gives an insider’s view of the world of the stock exchange. Included are profiles and interviews with actual traders who regularly make or lose thousands...

Jack Bernstein – Spotting Price Swings & Seasonal Patterns

Jack Bernstein – Spotting Price Swings & Seasonal Patterns Spotting Price Swings & Seasonal Patterns: Techniques for Precisely Timing Major Market Moves By Bernstein, Jake Synopsis: What if you could know a simple price pattern for...

Peter Martin – Equities

Product Detail:Publisher: Marketplace BooksMinutes: 60ISBN: 159280215XType: Video – DVDPublish Date: 11/1/2005List Price: $79.95Condition: Brand New in original shrink wrap.Synopsis:Equities with Peter MartinDo you need help interpreting key technical indicators and feel you have nowhere to turn? If...

Linda Raschke – Classic Indicators Back to the Future

Charismatic professional trader Linda Raschke employs classic methods handed down by the forefathers of technical analysis. Join in and let Linda guide you in a first rate keynote address given at a recent international trading conference.Get...