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"financial derivatives"
Showing 1-50 of 79 items.

Paul Wilmott – The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives

Finance is one of the fastest growing areas in the modern banking and corporate world. This, together with the sophistication of modern financial products, provides a rapidly growing impetus for new mathematical models and modern mathematical...

John C.Hull – Options, Futures And Other Derivatives (5th Ed.)

John C. Hull – Options, Futures And Other Derivatives (5th Ed.) For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics, and mathematics departments. This fifth...

P. J. Hunt – Financial Derivates in Theory & Practice

P. J. Hunt – Financial Derivates in Theory & PracticeSynopsis: This book brings together in one volume both a complete, rigorous, and yet readable account of the mathematics underlying derivative pricing and a guide to applying these...

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Marco Avellaneda – Quantitative Analysis In Financial Markets

Marco Avellaneda - Quantitative Analysis in Financial MarketsThis volume contains lectures delivered at the celebrated Seminar in Mathematical Finance at the Courant Institute. The lecturers and presenters of papers are prominent researchers and practitioners in the...

Marek Capinski & Tomasz Zastawniak – Mathematics For Finance. An Introduction To Financial Engineering

Marek Capinski, Tomasz Zastawniak - Mathematics for Finance. An Introduction to Financial Engineering As with the first edition, Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering combines financial motivation with mathematical style. Assuming an only basic...

Erik Banks – Financial Lexicon

Erik Banks - Financial LexiconFinancial Lexicon is intended as a comprehensive financial reference book that explains the formal and informal terminology of finance. Structured as a dictionary, the book will contain clear and detailed explanations of...

Michael J.Panzner – Financial Armageddon

Michael J.Panzner - Financial ArmageddonAccording to Michael Panzner, the US is less than two years away from "financial Armageddon." When the stock market bubble burst in March 2000, the collapse that followed wiped out over two-thirds...

Robert W.Kolb – Financial Derivates

Robert W.Kolb - Financial Derivates Essential insights on the various aspects of financial derivatives If you want to understand derivatives without getting bogged down by the mathematics surrounding their pricing and valuation, Financial Derivatives is the book for...

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial Management

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial ManagementFinancial risk management has become a popular practice amongst financial institutions to protect against the adverse effects of uncertainty caused by fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, and...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic .Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management Models

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management ModelsDevelopment Financial markets professionals today must sort, analyze, and act upon incredible amounts of data. This...

Surefirething – Day Trading to Financial Freedom

Surefirething – Day Trading to Financial Freedom This free online day trading course covers essential topics such as:- What is Day Trading’, Types of trading, Who controls the Market, Secrets to making money day trading, When to...

Antonio Mele – Lecture Notes In Financial Economics

Antonio Mele – Lecture Notes In Financial Economics The present Lecture Notes in Financial Economics are based on my teaching notes for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in financial economics, macroeconomic dynamics, financial econometrics and financial...

Tomas Bjoerk – Arbitrage Theory In Continuous Time

Tomas Bjoerk – Arbitrage Theory in Continuous TimeThe second edition of this popular introduction to the classical underpinnings of the mathematics behind finance continues to combine sound mathematical principles with economic applications. Concentrating on the probabilistic...

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures And Options Markets (2nd Ed.)

John C. Hull – Introduction to Futures & Options Markets (2nd Ed.) Contents are the same as US/UK editions. Designed for those with limited training in mathematics. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition offers an...

Alastair Hudson – Understanding Equity & Trusts (3rd Ed.)

Alastair Hudson - Understanding Equity Trusts 3rd EdBook DescriptionUnderstanding Equity and Trusts is a sister text to Alastair Hudson's leading textbook Equity and Trusts, that gives those unfamiliar with the subject a clear, accessible, readable, and comprehensive overview of...

Richard Bookstaber – A Demon Of Our Own Design

Description Inside markets, innovation, and risk Why do markets keep crashing and why are financial crises greater than ever before? As the risk manager to some of the leading firms on Wall Street–from Morgan Stanley to...

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio Written by Brian Johnson, a professional investment manager with many years of trading and teaching experience, Option Strategy Risk/Return Ratios introduces a revolutionary new framework for evaluating, comparing,...

Paul Wilmott – The Money Formula

Paul Wilmott – The Money Formula Explore the deadly elegance of finance's hidden powerhouse. The Money Formula takes you inside the engine room of the global economy to explore the little-understood world of quantitative finance, and...

Glenn Shafer – Probability And Finance

Glenn Shafer - Probability and FinanceProvides a foundation for probability based on game theory rather than measure theory.A strong philosophical approach with practical applications.Presents in-depth coverage of classical probability theory as well as new theory.Review"Shafer...and Vovk...explain...

Fred Gehm – Quantitative Trading & Money Management

Fred Gehm – Quantitative Trading & Money Management “Quantitative Trading & Money Management” provides all the tools a trader needs to best utilize his trading capital. The book explains how to use mathematical techniques to calculate...

SimplerTrading & John Carter & Henry Gambell & Brent Kochuba – Options Flow Secrets (Elite)

SimplerTrading – Options Flow Secrets (Elite) by John Carter & Henry Gambell & Brent Kochuba How to Get a Whole New Edge with SpotGamma Most traders are dead wrong about what really drives the market. The...

Brian P. Lancaster – Structured Products Related Credit Derivates

Brian P. Lancaster - Structured Products & Related Credit Derivates From the Inside Flap While legitimate concerns have recently surfaced with regard to structured products and their markets, the fact is that close to ninety-five percent...

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game"A wealth of trading industry experience emerges in this work. Noble DraKoln covers the essential areas of fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and trading psychology with insight, originality, and refreshing candor....

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick – The Option Trader Handbook

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick - The Option Trader Handbook Strategies, tools and proven solutions for minimizing risk and volatility in options trading The Option Trader Handbook helps readers better understand trade management by providing a...

Alpesh Patel – The Internet Trading Course

Alpesh Patel - The Internet Trading Course alpeshpatelIn 2001 59% of investors traded using the Internet, a massive growth since 2000 when the figure was only 17%. Internet trading is no longer the exclusive sport of...

Udemy – 100% Sure Success in Day Trading My SECRET™ Strategy

Udemy – 100% Sure Success in Day Trading My SECRET™ Strategy What you'll learn Strategy for guaranteed success. Strategy which turned my capital 13 times last year. Day trading success secrets. Candlestick trading. Futures trading. Derivatives...

Magazine – Australian Tech Analyst Assoc (

Magazine - Australian Tech Analyst Assoc ( people start off accepting the basic premise of what is called "fundamental analysis", that financial security (share, option, warrant, futures contract) has what is called an "intrinsic value". However,...

Charles Cottle – Position Dissection

Charles Cottle - Position DissectionBiographyLEARN OPTIONS TRADING FROM THE PROFESSIONAL THE PROFESSIONALS LEARN FROM!Options Trader, Author, Options Trading Lecturer, Options Trading Teacher, Floor Trader, Financial Software Developer, Consultant, and one of the co-founders of one of...

Stuart McCrary – Hedge Fund Course

Stuart McCrary – Hedge Fund Course A self-study course that reviews the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to properly manage a hedge fund Today, traditional asset managers are looking to develop their own hedge funds as...

Michael Durbin – All About High-Frequency Trading

Michael Durbin - All About High-Frequency TradingA DETAILED PRIMER ON TODAY'S MOST SOPHISTICATED AND CONTROVERSIAL TRADING TECHNIQUEUnfair... brilliant... illegal... inevitable. High-frequency trading has been described in many different ways, but one thing is for sure--it has...

Frank Fabozzi – Measuring & Controlling Interest Rate & Credit Risk (2nd Ed.)

Frank Fabozzi - Measuring Controlling Interest Rate Credit Risk 2nd Ed Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk provides keys to using derivatives to control interest rate risk and credit risk, and controlling interest rate risk...

M.Rusydi – Quantitative Exchange Rate Economics In Developing Countries

M.Rusydi - Quantitative Exchange Rate Economics in Developing CountriesThis book examines the options for adopting an appropriate model of exchange rate determination and its associated regime suitable for developing countries, with a case study of Indonesia....

Scott Frush – Commodities Demystified + Hedge Funds Demystified

Scott Frush - Commodities Demystified Confused about commodities? Consult this essential resource Oil, rice, corn, the Euro--commodities these days are hot, and they're getting hotter. This engaging and thorough guide covers all the basics you'll need...

Various – A Huge Collection of Trading, Economic Ebooks (100 & Mostly PDF, Classic & Recent Books)

A Huge Collection of Very Best Trading and Economics books. Many books are recent with some classics. These books will help you with your understanding in economics and trading immensely. Areas of topic include: Economic Indicator,...

Geoff Chaplin – Credit Derivates.

Geoff Chaplin - Credit DerivatesThe credit derivatives industry has come under close scrutiny over the past few years, with the recent financial crisis highlighting the instability of a number of credit structures and throwing the industry...

Robert Jorgensen – Individually Managed Accounts An Investor's Guide

Robert Jorgensen - Individually Managed Accounts an Investor's Guide Description The first investor-friendly book on IMAs By 2010 nearly five million households will invest more than $2.6 trillion in individually managed accounts (IMAs). Today nearly $470...

Charles Smithson – Credit Portfolio Management.

Charles Smithson - Credit Portfolio ManagementDescriptionA cutting-edge text on credit portfolio management Credit risk. A number of market factors are causing revolutionary changes in the way it is measured and managed at financial institutions. Charles Smithson,...

Warren Ruppel – Governmental Accounting Made Easy

Warren Ruppel – Governmental Accounting Made Easy Description Read, interpret, and analyze governmental financial statements–Governmental Accounting Made Easy explains it all Clearly explaining how to read and analyze the financial statements of governments and governmental organizations,...

Peter G.Zhang – Peter G.Zhang - Exotic Options

Peter G.Zhang - Exotic OptionsThis is a systematic classification and treatment of essentially all exotic options currently trading at the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market. It aims to be an industry standard book on this subject. It contains...

Lars N.Kestner – Quantitative Trading Strategies

Lars N.Kestner - Quantitative Trading StrategiesHarnessing the Power of Quantitative Techniques to Create a Winning Trading ProgramLars Kestner Quantitative Trading Strategies takes readers through the development and evaluation stages of today's most popular and market-proven technical trading...

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks 10 Essentials of Forex Trading, Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit.pdf 6.61MB 239434484-Sperandeo-Victor-Trader-Vic-Methods-of-a-Wall-Street-Master.pdf 2.85MB 30 Days to Market Mastery A Step-by-Step Guide to Profitable Trading.pdf 6.38MB 7 Winning Strategies...

CFA Institute – CFA Program Curriculum 2019 Level I Volumes 1-6 Box Set (CFA Curriculum 2019)

CFA Institute – CFA Program Curriculum 2019 Level I Volumes 1-6 Box Set (CFA Curriculum 2019) The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program...

Michael C. Thomsett – Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting

Michael C. Thomsett – Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting DESCRIPTION The easy-to-use guide to interpreting candlestick charts and derivative markets Candlestick charts are an effective way of visualizing price movements and, due to the increased interest...

Investopedia – Research And Trade Like The Pros

Investopedia - Research And Trade Like The Pros Course DescriptionThis course is for: investors with at least one year of investing experience. Research and Trade Like The Pros is loaded with high-powered analytical methods and research shortcuts. You’ll learn...

Moorad Choundhry – An Introduction To Credit Derivates

Moorad Choundhry - An Introduction to Credit DerivatesIn a relatively short time credit derivatives have grown to become one of the largest and most important segment of the financial markets, with deal volumes now in trillions...

Tradingeducators – Stopped Out (The Stop Placement That Makes Sense)

Tradingeducators - Stopped Out (The Stop Placement that Makes Sense) "The question I am most consistently asked is Where do I put the stop? Therefore, this EBook is about stop placement. Most trading books and articles...

Paul Wilmott – FAQ In Quantitative Finance

Paul Wilmott - FAQ in Quantitative FinancePaul Wilmott, London UK is a researcher, consultant and lecturer in quantitative finance. He is founder of Wilmott Associates, a financial consultancy and training firm, from which he publishes Wilmott...

Mark J.P.Anson & Frank J.Fabozzi – Credit Derivates Instruments Applications & Pricing

Mark J.P.Anson, Frank J.Fabozzi - Credit Derivates Instruments Applications & PricingDescriptionAn essential guide to credit derivatives Credit derivatives has become one of the fastest-growing areas of interest in global derivatives and risk management. Credit Derivatives takes...

ITPM – London Super Conference 2018

ITPM - London Super Conference 2018 (Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management)