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"Trade side by side"
Showing 451-500 of 680 items.

Earik Beann – Mechanical Trading Systems (Wave59)

Harness the Power of Mechanical Trading Systems ...and supercharge your trading by automating it! Mechanical trading systems are one of the greatest developments in the history of trading. Turn them on, connect them to your broker, and they...

Adam Khoo – Stock Trading Course Level 1 (Profit Snapper™)

Adam Khoo – Stock Trading Course Level 1 (Profit Snapper™) Profit Snapper™ helps traders gain the confidence to profit in the stock markets, regardless of their current experience level. Are you a total newbie? You will...

Steve Copan – Pivot Trading - Simple Trading Techniques (2014)

Steve Copan – Pivot Trading - Simple Trading Techniques (2014) Pivot Trader by Steve Copan is a pivot trading method that shows you how to spot when the markets are changing direction and it will also...

Compassfx – Basic Synergy Method Webinar

Compassfx - Basic Synergy Method WebinarCompassFX receives a volume based referral fee for its services. Trading in the off-exchange Foreign Exchange market (FX, Forex) is very speculative in nature, involves considerable risk and is not appropriate...

Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions And Trading For Income

Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions and Trading for Income Video length: 49 Minutes In this Video, Anton Kreil, Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, debunks with real statistics the myth of Trading...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

AbleSys – AbleTrend 7.08 RT

AbleSys Trading System - AbleTrend 7.08 RT Trading is a zero-sum game. That means that every gain by one trader is offset by an equal loss by other traders. One man's pain is another man's gain....

Howard Abell – The Sixth Market. The Electronic Investor Revolution

Howard Abell - The Sixth Market The Electronic Investor RevolutionWhat will the future of trading look like? What can online investors and traders do today to prepare for and profit from the inevitable changes that are...

Dan Sheridan – Options Trading With Credit Spreads 2015

Dan Sheridan - OPTIONS TRADING WITH CREDIT SPREADS 2015 CREDIT SPREAD CLASS 2015 Collect Premiums While Defining Your Risk Class Overview Class Description: Learn how to find and manage Credit Spreads for Monthly and Weekly income....

Richard Machowicz – Interactive Course

Richard Machowicz - Interactive Course How to consistently execute your trading strategy perfectly. Once you have fully mastered the fundamentals of your strategy, you will be able to apply it with total concentration. Perfect execution will...

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability This book is the first to demonstrate the practical implications of an important, yet under-considered area of psychology in helping traders and investors understand...

Pristine – Greg Capra – Mastering Candlestick Charts I & II

Pristine – Greg Capra – Mastering Candlestick Charts I & II Mastering Candlestick Charts I Greg Capra ISBN: 978-1-59280-320-0 October 2007 Author Information GREG CAPRA is president and CEO of Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc., the nation’s leading...

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick...

Sheridanmentoring – Options On Futures (2017)

Dan Sheridan - Options on Futures (2017)This class consists of 4, 1 hour long sessions.You are welcome to email questions directly to Dan or another mentor outside of the class time.You will have full access to...

Basecamptrading – Weekly Power Options Strategies

Basecamptrading - Weekly Power Options StrategiesThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew DayPresident and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been involved...

Thomas N. Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

Thomas N. Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103...

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Option Strategies (Second Edition)

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Option Strategies (Second Edition) In The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition, legendary options trader Guy Cohen systematically presents today’s most effective strategies for trading options: how and why they...

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Options Strategies

Guy Cohen - The Bible of Options Strategies"Guy Cohen is the master when it comes to taming the complexities of options. From buying calls and puts to iron butterflies and condors, Guy explains these strategies in...

Sheridanmentoring – Dan Sheridan 2011 Calendar Workshop

Sheridanmentoring - Dan Sheridan 2011 Calendar WorkshopCalendar Workshop (in MP4 Video Format high quality)May2011 to June 2011 Live Webinar with Live Trade from Dan SheridanDan taught a new five week class that focused on sharpening your...

David Vallieres – Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)

David Vallieres - Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)Daily Market Advantage is a daily market newsletter put out by Dave Vallieres of Dave has been in the markets for over 40 years. He has...

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio Written by Brian Johnson, a professional investment manager with many years of trading and teaching experience, Option Strategy Risk/Return Ratios introduces a revolutionary new framework for evaluating, comparing,...

Thomas R. DeMark – The New Science of Technical Analysis

Thomas R. DeMark – The New Science of Technical Analysis “DeMark’s work as a consultant has been restricted to large institutions and many of the legendary traders in the world today. By sharing his creative ideas...

Basecamptrading – Fundamentals Of Options

Basecamptrading - Fundamentals of Options The Purpose. To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team. Drew Day - President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge...

Timothy Morge – Market Maps. High Probability Trading Techniques

Timothy Morge – Market Maps. High Probability Trading Techniques Timothy Morge has been a professional trader, author, educator and mentor for more than 30 years. Besides trading his own capital, Tim is President of Blackthorne Capital,...

Steven/EAP – The Trading Channel – EAP Training Program (Forex Course)

Steven/EAP – The Trading Channel (TTC) – EAP Training Program Don’t Take Our Word On How Powerful The EAP Training Program Is… Learn The Exact Strategies, Techniques, And Methods That Have Already Helped Many Traders Conquer...

Wyckoffanalytics – Wyckoff Trading Course (WTC - Summer Series 2019 Jan-Apr)

WYCKOFFANALYTICS - WYCKOFF TRADING COURSE (WTC - Summer Series Jan - Apr, 2019) The Wyckoff Trading Course – Summer Series will give you a foundational understanding of and ability to start using the Wyckoff Method, which...

Pristine – Oliver Velez – Swing Trading Tactics 2001

Pristine – Oliver Velez – Swing Trading Tactics 2001Run time: 92 minutes. Here’s one of the very first video presentations on Swing Trading available today. and The Pristine Day Trader’s founder, Oliver Velez, packed the halls at the...

Timothy Morge – Live Pre-Market Session

Timothy Morge - Live Pre-Market SessionThis is the Pre-Market live session video record from 2009-09 to 2010-10, total 93 filesTimothy MorgeTimothy Morge has been a professional trader, author, educator and mentor for more than 35 years.Besides...

FotisTradingAcademy – Global Macro Pro Trading Course

FotisTradingAcademy – Global Macro Pro Trading Course LEARN TO TRADE LIKE A PROFESSIONAL IN LESS TIME THAN YOU IMAGINE If you are so close to trading success that you can almost “smell” it; or if you’re...

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article)

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article) It is a little known fact that W. D. Gann went to India and studied Indian Sidereal Astrology. In his notebooks we find sketches of...

John Crane – Advanced Swing Trading (Video 768 MB)

John Crane - Advanced Swing Trading (Video 768 MB)Real trading strategies for making a killing in today's volatile markets Advanced Swing Trading reveals the strategies used by George Soros, Warren Buffett and other high-profile traders to...

John Leizman – Short-Term Trading, Long-Term Profits

John Leizman - Short-Term Trading, Long-Term ProfitsDespite reports of its demise, short-term tradingAndshy;Andshy;or swing tradingAndshy;Andshy;continues to be practiced by millions of investors. Short-Term Trading, Long-Term Profits explains how to learn the ropesAndshy;Andshy;and lay the necessary foundationAndshy;Andshy;to become a...

Chris Capre – Sniper Trading System for Forex

Chris Capre – Sniper Trading System for Forex 7 different systems are included Atr 15-25 Dbt Bollinge Wrap-up Eurusd Pivot Breakout Gbpjpy Hunter Gbpusd Big Swing Momentum 120 Outside Rev The Bollinger Pocket Each system has...

Investopedia Academy – Advanced Options Trading

Investopedia Academy - Advanced Options TradingTake the next step in your options trading abilities by building on your knowledge of basic options trades. Learn how to manage payoffs, probabilities, and risk just like the best options...

Myles Wilson Walker – Profitable Forecasting

Myles Wilson Walker – Profitable Forecasting First began researching the methods of R.N. Elliott & WD. Gann in 1990. First book Published by Windsor Books (N.Y.) 1998 List of Published Works 1998 – How to Identify...

John Dace – Trading Harmonically with the Universe

John Dace - Trading Harmonically with the UniverseTrading Harmonically With The Universe!Video series by Jace (John Jace), of Trading Harmonically yahoo astro group.2006 Fall Equinox video series.Multi DVD set, 6 folders with 2 videos each.Trading Harmonically...

Andrea Unger – Mastering Position Sizing

Andrea Unger - Mastering Position Sizing This course by 4-time Trading World Champion Andrea Unger you'll learn The most effective position sizing techniques used to trade live, Mastering Position Sizing How to choose the most suited technique...

Andrea Unger – Trading Systems Supremacy

Skilledacademy – Trading Systems Supremacy Join the first online course by Four-Time Trading World Champion Andrea Unger and learn to develop effective trading strategies like a winner! This is what you’ll learn: Module 1: Fundamentals This...

James F. Dalton – Mind Over Markets

James F. Dalton – Mind Over Markets A timely update to the book on using the Market Profile method to trade Emerging over twenty years ago, Market Profile analysis continues to realize a strong following among active traders....

Anton Kreil – Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM)

Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Anton Kreil Anton is the Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, an independent global community of 425 Traders across 22 countries. Anton manages and oversees the Institute...

Mario Livio – The Golden Ratio

Throughout history, thinkers from mathematicians to theologians have pondered the mysterious relationship between numbers and the nature of reality. In this fascinating book, Mario Livio tells the tale of a number at the heart of that...

Basecamptrading – Options Trading Accelerator

Basecamptrading - Options Trading Accelerator The Purpose To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team Drew Day President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund...

Halliker's Inc. – Gann Masters II

Halliker's Inc. – Gann Masters II The book is basically no more than an instruction manual for the software Ganntrader. Be treated again Gann angle Zero Angles and Squares. Unlike Part 1 comes in the continuation...

Bill Poulos – Divergence Super BluePrint

Bill Poulos – Divergence Super BluePrint “Who Else Wants A Time-Tested, Step-By-Step BLUEPRINT That Reveals How You Can Discover Hidden Trades With Astonishing Simplicity (While Other Traders Just Sit By And Twiddle Their Thumbs) That You Can...

Basecamptrading – Big Morning Profits

Basecamptrading - Big Morning ProfitsThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew Day - President and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been...

Clif Droke – Gann Simplified

Clif Droke – Gann Simplified Publisher: Marketplace Books, Inc. (August 1, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 1931611246 ISBN-13: 978-1931611244 “Those new to Gann’s methods should find Gann Simplified a fascinating introduction. Clif Droke has done an excellent...

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass Becoming successful in trading and investing is not an easy journey. ​It’s a rough road — one filled with more twists, turns, potholes, and dead-ends than you can count. ​ Each leg of the...

Piranha Profits – Professional Options Trading Course: Options Ironshell

Piranhaprofits - Professional Options Trading Course: Options Ironshell Course Overview The Piranha Profits™ Options Trading Course is created for traders who want to generate more income from their trading account without being tied down by unpredictable market...

Elliottwave – Real-Time Elliott Wave Trading

Elliottwave - Real-Time Elliott Wave TradingReal-Time Elliott Wave TradingReal Markets. Real Wave Counts. Real Results.Peek over the shoulder of a real-life Elliott wave trader, a Wall Street veteran, as he walks you through his Elliott wave...

Sheridanmentoring – The Double Barrel Calendar Class

Sheridanmentoring - The Double Barrel Calendar ClassClass DetailsThis class consists of 4, 1 hour long sessions.The Double Barrel Calendar!This is one of the popular strategies in the Sheridan Community.In this class, Dan Sheridan shares with you...