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"Dynamic Traders"
Showing 51-100 of 144 items.

Simplertrading – The New Multi-Squeeze PRO Indicator for TOS

The New Multi Squeeze Pro Indicator for ThinkorSwim Part of New Multi Squeeze Pro System Elite The Multi Squeeze Pro indicator takes the Squeeze Pro to the next level when it comes to finding high-probability setups....

Simpler Trading – John Carter's Workspace Bundle (TOS Indicators)

John Carter's Full Indicator Bundle (TOS Indicators) The Squeeze Pro Indicator - $697 The Squeeze Pro Buy/Sell Signals - $197 The Multi Squeeze Pro - $597 The 10x Bars - $597 The Multi 10x Indicator -...

Tradingology – Tradingology Elite Membership

Tradingology – Tradingology Elite Membership The Launching Pad for A Consistently Profitable Trading Career – Tradingology Elite Membership by It is right to state that trading is either simple or challenging! Tradingology Elite Membership, available...

Mark Douglas – Trading en la Zona - Tradin in the Zone

Mark Douglas – Trading en la Zona (Tradin in the Zone Spanish) Quiz usted tenga un buen conocimiento de los mercados. Puede que incluso conozca a sus principales actores, sepa cu ndo comprar, cu ndo vender y qu ...

Constance M. Brown – Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional

Constance M. Brown – Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional Required reading for certification in the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) program Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional: Second Edition is an excellent read both for academics...

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Volatility & Pricing

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Volatility & Pricing Best book on how to do option trading and to learn the nitty gritty of option. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg a widely recognized...

Wysetrade – Trading Masterclass V10+ (Forex Masterclass)

Wysetrade – Trading Masterclass V10+ (Forex Masterclass) This is the most comprehensive trading program available online. The trading masterclass v10+ is everything you need from beginning to end including our complete catalogue of premium trading videos....

Netpicks Seven – Summits Trader Complete Course

Netpicks Seven - Summits Trader Complete CourseThe SST elevates your trading ability by working across multiple trading markets, including Forex, Futures, Stocks, and Exchange-Traded Funds (EFT). What’s more, the Seven Summits Trader operates in multiple time...

Robert Krausz & Thom Hartle – Proven Swing Trading Strat & Multiple Time Frame Analysis

Robert Krausz & Thom Hartle - Proven Swing Trading Strat & Multiple Time Frame AnalysisRobert Krausz, who was featured in Jack Schwager's The New Market Wizards, is many things: He is a trader, a student of...

Candlestickforum – Candlestick Training Videos (Videos 1.2 GB)

Candlestickforum - Candlestick Training Videos (Videos 1.2 GB) Include: Advanced Pattern Analysis Package ($495.34) Gaps at Top and Bottom, Major Moving Averages, Breakouts, Cradle, Belt-Hold, FryPan Bottom, J-Hook, and Scoop Patterns. Trend Analysis ($277) Hanging Man...

Euan Sinclair – Options Trading. Pricing & Volatility Strategies & Technique

Euan Sinclair - Options Trading Pricing Volatility Strategies TechniqueAn A to Z options trading guide for the new millennium and the new economyWritten by professional trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair, Option Trading is a comprehensive guide to this discipline...

Vadym Graifer – Nasdaq Scalper Complete Video Course

Vadym Graifer - Nasdaq Scalper Complete Video CourseLearn to Win Consistently and Limit Your Losses!Internet's Premiere Real-Time Trading Video Course"HOW TO SCALP ANY MARKET & PROFIT CONSISTENTLY " Note: The examples used in the course cover mainly...

Raghee Horner – Forex Trading For Maximum Profit Course

Raghee Horner - Forex Trading for Maximum Profit Course Take an in–depth, how–to look at Forex trading using the methods, analysis, and insights of a renowned trader, Raghee Horner. As the fate of the dollar against...

Mark J. S. Keenan – Bridging Fundamental & Technical Analysis

Mark J. S. Keenan – Advanced Positioning, Flow, and Sentiment Analysis in Commodity Markets: Bridging Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading) The definitive book on Positioning Analysis ― a powerful and sophisticated framework to help traders,...

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf)

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf) From Publishers Weekly Douglas, president of the seminar firm Trading Behavior Dynamics, focuses on the psychology of successful traders. Instead of offering specific strategies, he advises readers, "The...

Jeff Augen – Trading Options At Expiration-Strategies And Models For Winning The Endgame

Trading Options at Expiration-Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by...

Pristine – Techniques To Perfect Your Intraday GAP & Guerilla Trading

Pristine - Techniques to Perfect Your Intraday GAP & Guerilla TradingTechniques to Perfect Your Intra-Day, Gap and Guerilla Trading - Part 1 with Ron Wagner, V.P. of Pristine EducationIntra-Day Trading can be the most rewarding and...

Robert J. Seifert – Profiting from Weekly Options How to Earn Consistent Income Trading Weekly Option Serials 2015

Robert J. Seifert – Profiting from Weekly Options How to Earn Consistent Income Trading Weekly Option Serials 2015 Generate consistent income with a smart weekly options strategy Profiting From Weekly Options is a clear, practical guide to...

Peter Bain – Trade Currencies Like the Big Dogs

Peter Bain – Trade Currencies Like the Big Dogs Learn to Day Trade The Forex with Peter Bain's Original Home Study Forex Mentoring Program Statistics show that the majority of new traders to the Forex rely...

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks

Ultimate Collection of 400 Trading eBooks 10 Essentials of Forex Trading, Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit.pdf 6.61MB 239434484-Sperandeo-Victor-Trader-Vic-Methods-of-a-Wall-Street-Master.pdf 2.85MB 30 Days to Market Mastery A Step-by-Step Guide to Profitable Trading.pdf 6.38MB 7 Winning Strategies...

John Carter – Ready. Aim. Fire!® (RAF) Indicator

Simpler Trading / John Carter – Ready. Aim. Fire! (RAF) Indicator Note: Check out the full course The Ready. Aim. Fire! Pro System Elite Package here. This is a new limited-time offer for David Starr's Ready....

Frank Bunn – Stock Trading Ninja - How To Make Money Trading Stocks

Stock Trading Ninja - How To Make Money Trading Stocks by Frank Bunn This course will not only teach you key market dynamics and how to exploit price movement for profit, but it will also teach...

Euan Sinclair – Volatility Trading 2nd Edition

Euan Sinclair – Volatility Trading 2nd Edition Popular guide to options pricing and position sizing for quant traders In this second edition of this bestselling book, Sinclair offers a quantitative model for measuring volatility in order...

Michael Benklifa – Profiting with Iron Condor Options (Strategies from the Frontline for Trading in Up or Down Markets)

Michael Benklifa – Profiting with Iron Condor Options Strategies from the Frontline for Trading in Up or Down Markets In a straightforward approach, Hanania Benklifa provides readers with the practical knowledge needed to trade options conservatively...

Bill Williams – Bill Williams Package

Bill Williams Package Bill Williams – Chaos. The New Map for Traders Bill Williams – The Practical Fractal Bill Williams – New Trading Dimensions Complete Course (Videos, Manuals & Anti-Stress Tapes) Bill Williams – Profitunity Home...

50PipsFX – Foundational Webinar Series

50PipsFX FOUNDATIONAL WEBINAR SERIESWe set out to try and put together a series of webinars which could serve as a foundation for both novice and more experienced traders.The aim was not to present a specif strategy,...

Michael Parsons – Reversal Magic Video Course

Michael Parsons - Reversal Magic Video CourseReversal Dynamics is an extremely powerful time analysis technique. Its accuracy is legendary. Based on a scientific method of wave extraction, it provides a simple and easy way to determine in...

Neal Hughes – Intro To Fibonacci Trading

Neal Hughes - Intro to Fibonacci Trading Step-by-step videos show you how to pre-determine the highs and lows just the way the pros do! Fibonacci Education For Traders This video course will teach you the same...

Tradingeducators – Stopped Out (The Stop Placement That Makes Sense)

Tradingeducators - Stopped Out (The Stop Placement that Makes Sense) "The question I am most consistently asked is Where do I put the stop? Therefore, this EBook is about stop placement. Most trading books and articles...

Wyckoffanalytics – July 2019 Special Anticipating Market Action (Using Market Profile & Volume Analytics Strategies)

Wyckoffanalytics - July 2019 Special Anticipating Market Action (Using Market Profile & Volume Analytics Strategies) Many traders have heard of Market Profile analysis or seen charts with multi-colored horizontal volume histograms, but have little knowledge of...

Hans Hannula – The Face Of God Course

Hans Hannula - The Face of God Course Reveals discovery of planetary pattern that shapes all market movements. This is a fundamental discovery very useful to traders May 30, 1995 Dear Trader, I am writing you...

Don Snellgrove – Selective Forex Trading

Don Snellgrove - Selective Forex Trading Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines author Don Snellgrove’s S90/Crossover: an independently verified technical indicator that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single...


OPENTRADER – PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMIf you’ve been a losing trader, getting beaten down by the market again and again, low on confidence and full of doubt, things are about to change for you.Welcome to what we...

Fibozachi – The Super MACD Indicator Package (Jul 2016)

Fibozachi - The Super MACD Indicator Package (Jul 2016) The MACD Indicator (Moving Average Convergence-Divergence) is one of the most popular technical indicators used by novice and professional traders alike. It does have one major problem...

Frank Buttera & Balance Trader – Market Profile Course

Frank Buttera - Balance Trader - Market Profile Course Balancetrader is one of the premier educational sites on the topic of auction market theory and Market Profile. The course teaches how to analyze and apply dual...

Brian R.Brown – Chasing The Same Signals

Product DescriptionConventional wisdom suggests that markets are efficient, random walks and that stock prices rise and fall with the fundamentals of the company. How then have black-box traders prospered and how do they exploit market inefficiencies?...


FOREXMENTOR - THE ULTIMATE DIVERGENCE COURSEA unique combination of price action, divergence analysis, and pattern recognition what will change the way you view the Forex market.For the first time ever Chris Mathis is making his complete Divergence...

Synergyforex – Advanced Synergy Indicators 2.0

Advanced Synergy Indicators 2.0 A Forex trading method developed over 4 years to measure price action, trend, momentum, market strength, volatility, and dynamic levels of support and resistance. Most importantly, all of these measurements are placed...

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility - Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility (Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques) WHAT EVERY OPTION TRADER NEEDS TO KNOW. THE ONE BOOK EVERY TRADER SHOULD OWN. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg...

Pristine Seminar – Micro Trading Tactics with Oliver Velez

Pristine Seminar - Micro Trading Tactics with Oliver VelezThis groundbreaking course presents powerful methods for mastering the art of micro train with maximum precision.Course Length: 3:00World renowned professional trader, Oliver L. Velez, co-founder and CEO of...

Michael Parsons – Reversal Magic Addendum 1-02

Michael Parsons - Reversal Magic Addendum 1-02 Michael J. Parsons started trading in 1987 and following a series of losses embarked on a journey of research that has led to the development of several trading techniques...

Michael Parsons – Reversal Magic. A Trading Phenomenon

Michael Parsons – Reversal Magic (A Trading Phenomenon) Michael J. Parsons started trading in 1987 and following a series of losses embarked on a journey of research that has led to the development of several trading...

Michael Parsons – Channel Surfing Video Course

Michael Parsons – Channel Surfing Video Course Even with advance knowledge of what the market will do a trader still needs great money management and an effective way to monitor trades in order to succeed. Channel...

Earik Beann & Wave59 – Unified Theory Of Markets (AKA Big Bertha)

Earik Beann & Wave59 – Unified Theory Of Markets (AKA Big Bertha) This course reveals the underlying theoretical structure behind all market movements, and represents the culmination of 20 years of research into natural law in...

John Dace – Trading Harmonically with the Universe

John Dace - Trading Harmonically with the UniverseTrading Harmonically With The Universe!Video series by Jace (John Jace), of Trading Harmonically yahoo astro group.2006 Fall Equinox video series.Multi DVD set, 6 folders with 2 videos each.Trading Harmonically...

Tim Bost – Gann Secrets Revealed

Tim Bost – Gann Secrets Revealed 100 years ago the legendary trader W. D. Gann used financial astrology to pinpoint prices in his market forecasts, and reportedly made over $55 million in his lifetime. In this...

Tim Bost – Enhancing Technical Analysis with Planetary Price & Price Factors

Tim Bost – Enhancing Technical Analysis with Planetary Price & Price Factors In this powerful two-day workshop, renowned market astrologer Tim Bost presents advanced astro-trading techniques that open the door to more profitable results for every...

James F. Dalton – Mind Over Markets

James F. Dalton – Mind Over Markets A timely update to the book on using the Market Profile method to trade Emerging over twenty years ago, Market Profile analysis continues to realize a strong following among active traders....

Joe Ross & Tradingeducators – Trading All Markets Recorded Webinar

Tradingeducators - Joe Ross Trading All Markets Recorded Webinar The truth is the truth, and it does not change. If it did, it would no longer be truth. The truth is that all markets are a...