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Forex Historical Data - Silver Pack 1986-2014 = 27 years!!! Minutes (Oct 2013)
The Silver Pack (new version) includes historical data for the six currency pairs - AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY.
Coverage: | Since 12/01/1986. Data ends on 10/23/2014. |
Data Format: | ASCII for MT4 ("," as field separator, date format, time format hh:mm) Sample #1Sample #2Sample #3NDBF ( FDBS native format , allows merging regulary updates, time frame and timestamp conversion, export to different formats, e.t.c) |
Field Order: | Date, Time, Open, High, Low, Close |
Timezone: | GMT |
Time Frames: | Intraday, 1 minute resolution |
Compatibility: | The data can be imported directly into the following charting programs:Forex database server (FDBS) Omega Research's Tradestation Omega Research's SuperCharts Equis Metastock Microsoft Excel Any other program that accepts an ASCII import |
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